Collaborative Group Art Projects For Kids

Every person or kid has a creative side but unfortunately only a few can explore that. Some people never get to know their creative side because in childhood they don’t get enough opportunity to explore it.

Now it’s very important to include kids in those activities which help them to know how creative they are.

Art not only makes children creative but also improves their social skills. Through this, kids learn about diversity and how to collaborate with others.

10 Best Collaborative Group Art Project For Kids

Following are the list of 10 best collaborative group art project for kids.

1. Painting With Vegetables

Painting With Vegetables Collaborative Group Art Projects For Kids
Painting With Vegetables Group Art Project For Kids

It is one of the most favourite and common collaborative project activities. Vegetable paintings not only improve the creative side of the children but also interact with children with different topics.

Through this, kids learn about types of vegetables and colours. 

Kids love to explore several things and during this project, kids test with different vegetables with different colours.

It is one of the coolest collaborative group art projects for kids.

2. Diwali Rangoli Art

Diwali Rangoli Art Group Art Projects For Kids
Diwali Rangoli Group Art Project For Kids

Everyone knows how rangoli enriches the beauty of Diwali. Most agents want their kids to know the value of festivals and things used at that time.

This art project not only shows the creative side of the kids even though this teacher can teach them the importance of Diwali.

Kids love to play with colours and when they get to know they have to do things with their friends, it increases the level of their happiness and creativity.

3. Fill A Giant Flower Vase

Fill A Giant Flower Vase Group Art Projects For Kids
Fill A Giant Flower Vase Group Art Project For Kids

Kids love flowers a lot, their love and care increased when they got a chance to draw and show their favourite ones. This is a giant flower vase collaborative group activity that gives children the chance to show their love for their favourite Flower by drawing. 

In this activity, the teacher or guardian pastes a drawing of a giant flower vase on a bulletin board or wall. 

Therefore the teacher or guardian instructs the kids to fill this vase with their drawings of flowers.

Kids enjoy this collaborative activity and also learn about types of flowers.

4. Bring Tiles Together

This unique artwork is one of the most time consuming but after the result, all time consuming is worth it.

In this artwork, kids choose the theme and then break it down into some parts of the Canvas. Subsequently, all the kids came together and made a strategy and accordingly reassembled all the Canvas. 

5. River Of Rocks

By the name of the river of rocks, anyone can easily understand this collaboration.

By the name, it is obvious that in this project we have to make a small river filled with rocks but it is not the same as it sounds.

In this collaborative project first, all the kids choose the rock according to their likes. Accordingly, they will colour rocks individually. 

When colours on the rock dry then they will put all the rocks in their small lake. It seems an individual activity but when they put all the rocks in the same place it comes as a masterpiece.

6. A Wall Full Of Butterflies

A wall full of butterflies is not only a collaborative project. But there is also a hidden message behind this project.

The first teacher or a guardian teaches them how to make a butterfly and then each student will make their butterfly and colour according to them.

When all the butterflies are ready then each student will paste their butterfly on the wall and make a form of a flight of fancy.

The hidden message behind this collaborative art project always dreams high.

7. A Forest Is Full Of A Paper Tree

A Forest Is Full Of A Paper Tree
A Forest Is Full Of A Paper Tree

Everyone wants to go camping in the forest once in their life. But for a few people, it is only a dream. 

From this collaborative group art project we can’t take our kids camping in a forest but we can give a little experience of it through this.

The first teacher or a guardian will make small groups of kids and give instructions to make trees of different colours with the help of cardboard.

After this, all the groups put creative different art trees together for a walk in their small forest.

8. Recycle Of Plastic Bottle Cap Mosaic

If someone tells you that it is very easy to teach kids how to clean our environment and also so their creativity by this. 

Surely, you want to know how it is possible. Now it is very easy with the help of this collaborative art project.

First, you have to instruct all the kids to collect all the bottles in their area and put their caps aside. 

After this, you will collect all the caps and divide them equally between all the kids. Kids will colour all the caps in their favourite colours. Through colourful caps, you can create different mosaics like tiger, lion and elephant, etc.

9. Form Fascinating Fish

Form Fascinating Fish Group Art Project For Kids

Commonly, every kid loves to fish. Every kid wants to go fishing and wants an aquarium at their home. 

When the teacher gave them a project to draw a fish everyone knew how dedicated it was to draw their fish.

Have you ever thought about how kids get the opportunity to draw a 3D fish? I think we can easily imagine their expression.

This collaborative art project makes it possible for kids to draw 3D fish. 

The teacher or a guardian will give paper plates to the kids for painting or making art on them, after drying all the plates we can use them as a scale of fish.

10. Crayon Mosaic

In your childhood have you ever thrown the end of crayons which is useless for you? I can imagine all you have done once in your childhood. 

But we can turn useless crayons into masterpieces with the help of kids. It is one of the easiest and most collaborative group art projects.

First, you will give instructions to your kids to collect all the useless crayons. After that, you will choose a picture, then start removing paper from the crayons and sharpening them.

Then paste all the crayons and convert them into the desired design or a picture.

Last Words:

In this article, we explored the 10 Best Collaborative Group Art Projects For Kids that will help you make kids more creative.